Ritual of Cacao ~ Evergreen Course ~ 5-week Exploration of the Spirit of Cacao + Virtual Cacao Circle Access


Join us for this Self Paced Experience to deepen your Personal Relationship with Cacao

Upon purchase you will receive an email to join our free mighty networks platform where you will access the course content + our bi-weekly virtual cacao circles for the duration of your 5 week course!

This is also where you can connect with other members of the community.

Have you been called to dive deeper into your relationship with Ceremonial Cacao?

In this 5-week exploration, we will develop a greater understanding of Cacao both on a physical and energetic level through connecting with the ancient practice of ritual. We will experience the power of ritual and learn how to create your own to invite more clarity, efficiency, and creativity to your life.

You will learn about the history of Cacao, about the communities that have kept the spirit of the fruit alive, various sacred medicine songs, the intricacies of the"bean-to-cup" process, and much more all while exploring the deep roots of this sacred plant.  

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